Thursday, February 9, 2012


I'm taking this class where we have to go see theater productions in London every week as a part of our course assignment. (I must say this class is way better than Introduction to Theater, but so much more work.) This week we were assigned to see a cabaret. I was very excited to see a cabaret 1. because I had never seen one and 2. because this era of music and dance is my favorite.

The cabaret only cost us £1($1.60) and was totally worth it! The venue was called the Proud Cabaret and was located in a well to do part of London. To get to the stage we had to walk down these really steep stairs to be met by straight darkness. I felt as if I was walking down to a upscale nightclub and I held the secret code to get in. (Not like I would know what that feeling is! :/) The club had a very 20s feel to it which made me really excited about the performance. It was the sight that you only see in movies. Where the guys are all wearing makeup and the girls are dressed scandalous! 

The restaurant/Cabaret from the back
The show itself was amazing!!!! There were 8 acts with a 20 minute intermission. The acts were the typical singing, striptease and flirting with every man in the audience! And I LOVED it! I laughed, I cheered, and I sang! The only part I didn't like was when one act came out the Beyonce "Single Ladies", I didn't pay money to hear that trash! But the host did sing two numbers from "Cabaret" (with Liza Minnelli): they were Mien Herr and Life is a Cabaret! That really put the performance over the top because I love both of those songs and the movie! I really wish I had it so I could pop it in my DVD player and watch it!
The restaurant/Cabaret from the back

The 20s, 30s and 40s have always been my favorite time in history and this show just strengthened my love. It's so sad that these decades have negative associations because they music and fashion were genius! We are definitely going back to watch another performance! 

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