Thursday, April 5, 2012

Old Rocks and Old Baths

Saturday March the 10th we took a day trip to Stonehenge and Bath! The whole time I have been here, people have been saying that Stonehenge was not worth the trip. It was kind of discouraging, but I booked the trip anyway because it was a packaged deal, and Stonehenge is just one of those attractions you must see when you get to England! The visit to Stonehenge wasn't as much fun as it was astonishing. I have seen pictures of Stonehenge and been learning about its mystery since I was little and it was just really cool to see the stones in person. We walked around in a circle and viewed the structure from different perspectives. We took pictures of the stones and each other and just had a grand time.

The Great Bath
We stayed in Stonehenge for about an hour before trekking on to Bath. Bath is a gorgeous Romanesque city that is home to the ancient Roman Baths. As we drove into Bath we were welcomed by the large cathedral where the Romans worshiped. We got off the coach and started our tour of the Roman Baths. The structure itself was very genius in architecture. The museum was built upon the same foundation and walls that the original baths. The architectures restored new wall around walls that were destroyed with age. As we walked through the museum we learned about how the Romans used the baths and we saw where the different baths were located. There were a numerous amount of Baths, 5 of them we were able to walk around. The two baths that still had water in them were the Great Bath and the Bath that was also the hot spring. It was truly a gorgeous sight, especially since the sun was out and there was gorgeous weather. Once we finished our tour of the baths, we were allowed a chance to walk around the city.

The Royal Cresent
The city felt like little Rome without the language barrier because the buildings were very Roman in architecture. I mean the Romans did occupy Bath for a little way back when.  We walked to the famous bridge called Pulteney Bridge , and it is one of the four bridges that has shops along it on both sides. We then walked further into the city and visited the Royal Cresent. It was a gorgeous building that engulfed this large park. We sat and took in the sight before we had to head back to the buses.

Electronics completely hate me....

So a few weeks back my laptop completely bailed out on me!! Back in November it dropped and the AC Adapter broke off into the computer. I temporarily fixed it with a hot glue gun;  however, a few weeks back the glue came undone and I laptop died shortly after. (Because it holds no charge)

I thought  ehh... might as well get it fixed in London, so I called around and they told me it was going to cost around £85 to fix! So I decided to go the cheap route and buy some super glue and tweezers! Nevertheless, my laptop is now fully functional and I'm not afraid to move it around on the chair! (I still have yet to pick it up!) But that is the round about reason as to why I have not been keeping up my blog posting! But I am back in business now...